Visual debugger: ambiguous height and vertical position


1 min read

If you get this warning with a stackview, and it is fine with one element in the stackview but appears with multiple elements in the stackview, check the following:

  • Ensure you have set stackview.distribution. So you may need .fillProportionally
  • This can happen if you have stack views within stackviews. Let's say you have a title and and a subtitle UILabel in a vertical stackview. And so you'll need to have set setCompressionResistancePriority and setCompressionHuggingPriority on the labels, so that the vertical stackview knows how to grow and wrap the text labels
    • Then you start putting those child stack views into a parent stack view. Each child could be of different height, depending on the length of the text in the labels. So if the parent stackview has the distribution set to fill, it will get confused, as the children are differing heights.
    • The fix: set the parent stackview distribution to fillProportionally, and then the parent knows each child can be a different height