System design: design a parking garage, WIP


4 min read

Design a reservation and payment system for a parking garage

I’m up to 4m01s

Step 1: define the scope

Clarifying questions I came up with

  • <what do I call this category?> Who are the users for this system? Is it web only, or mobile app?

    • Does the reservation system need to have the same front end as the payment system? or can they be separate, e.g. reservation is a mobile app, but payment is backend only
  • Scale: How many users does this system need to handle today?

    • Do we anticipate any growth in the next year or two?
  • Security: Are there any specific security / authentication requirements we need to take into consideration?

    • What user data are we collecting - I assume the bare minimum.
  • Integrations: Does this system need to integrate with any other systems?

    • Payments in particular - will we be integrating with a 3rd vendor who will handle all the PII for us?

Then prompted by YouTube:

  • Product specs:

    • Reservation: user needs to be able to view available spots, pick one, pay for it and get a receipt

      • How far in advance can we book? Do we need to support same day reservations?

        • If so, then how do we know which spots are available? Automatic sensors?
    • Types of parking spot: e.g. handicapped, size of vehicle, long stay vs short stay

    • Availability of spots: how does the system know? Can I assume there are sensors on the ground?

    • Prices for the garage: flat rate, different for each size of vehicle

    • Payment methods:

      • cash only via physical terminal? Credit card supported? Barcode scanning from shopping centre?

      • Can I pay on exit, or is it upfront payment only?

    • Login required?

    • Do we need to support rescheduling after payment?

      • e.g. want to change the date, or change the vehicle type

      • Do we need to support refunds? e.g. if they go from large to small

  • Backend “consistency”: need to make sure two users can’t reserve the same spot

    • I would have called this reliability

Step 2: design!

User Interface (web app / mobile app)

→ Load balancer (probably not required for a small garage

→ Web server

  • Login (if needed)

  • GetSpots

    • From cache
  • SelectSpot / ReserveSpot POST

    • Mark the spot as unavailble for X minutes

    • Select vehicle type

    • select duration

  • PaymentService

    • Select method

    • Integration with 3rd party payment provider

  • Confirmation

    • Update DB and cache
  • Clean up (if user backs out of flow)

    • Mark the spot as availble again

Public endpoints

  • GET /availableSpots?date=2025-02-22

    • Assumption: simple system - a user does not get to choose the spot, just reserves one if it exists

      • more complex system - a user can see all the spots, available and taken, and choose the exact spot they want
    • Returns 200 with a body, that can be parsed by the UI into a visual schematic for the user. Most likely some kind of grid

  • This GetAvailableSpotsService

    • Retrieve information from a cache or DB about which spots are available for that given day

    • Is this a cache or a DB? Depends on the speed we need it.

    • Probably DB is fine

      • Relational or non-relational?

      • Relational if we want a more complex system, e.g. we want to know WHO has booked which spot on a given day

      • Non-relational if all we need is a simple view of the available spots

      • So perhaps we end up with a mix of the two.

      • Non relational to quickly populate the GET

      • Then as part of the PaymentService, we will

        • Write to the DB

        • Update the cache

    • We can talk about the DB / table structure if we want to. For now, let’s just move on

QUESTIONS / further research

  • Is a cache always a non-relational / no SQL DB?

  • Types of endpoints - learn more about RESTful vs GraphQL - are there others?