Mvp, Mvc, Mvvm
When thinking about different frameworks, it's all about the data layer and how it comes to the UI
- How we turn the model into something or drive something
- Flow of data
- Who is "the boss", ie. who is really driving the show?
- In MVP: presenter is the boss and tells the view what do, given a particular state. Typically you can re-use a presenter across multiple views.
- MVC: controller is the boss and tells the view what to do (show this, enable that), and is tightly coupled to the view. Typically you have one controller to one view.
- MVVM: view is the boss and asks the view model to give it stuff
- The view is the nib. Or, if you are creating the view programmatically, then it is the file that creates the view.
- The controller does not need to be the view controller. However because in iOS, there is a concept of "view controller", often when developers use MVC, they make the "view controller" the controller.
The cont
- Provides abstraction between layers
- more testaiblity
- Presenter drives everything
- Gets the data
- Gives it to the view
- Presenter is the one to tell the view:
- Dispaly this
- Do this with the view
- VM knows how to convert te data into a VM
- VIew is running the show
- View asks the VM for everything
- View displays it
It’s about who is running the show
- MVP - presenter
- MVVM - view controller
- Controller vs presenter
- In iOS - doesn’t need to be tied to view controller
- Controller
- Show this,
- Do this
- Turn off that
- Understands te view
- More tied to a view, can’t switch it out
- Presenter
- Initialise with a state
- COuld change out different views with the same presenter
- e.g. has defined interactions such as navigate back, \
High level animation, games, etc.
- don’t want to wait for the abstraction and flow. Beacuse it may take more time
- But with CPUs being so powerful now, it’s pretty theoretical
- So probably meh, same same