Lazy loading, eager loading and explicit loading


1 min read

Lazy loading

  • virtual properties are only loaded when they are required to be used

  • This is controlled by an option that you set - you can make lazy loading the default way to load properties

  • Has an N+1 loading problem. If you have a foreach statement which needs to access a virtual property, then you will make a database call each time you iterate through that loop

Eager loading

  • Use the .Include and tell SQL to go and include that virtual property when the first database call is made

  • It will populate that virtual property for ALL the elements in your database call

  • Very easy, one SQL call upfront

Explicit loading

  • When you need more fine grained control than eager loading

  • So let's say you don't need every single row to have its virtual property loaded. You only care about one particular row

  • With explicit loading, you can specify that level of loading, just for that one row

  • It will always have a second SQL call, where you specify what you want to be explicitly loaded, and how you want to do it