Carthage: update only one binary
Existing framework that isn't in the Cartfile
This means you added the framework a different way. Maybe through a podfile.
If you want to add it with Carthage, the first thing is to create a new branch in git, go into Xcode and delete the existing framework. Don't worry, you'll be adding it back soon enough.
Delete it from the folder hierarchy. Move to trash. You shouldn't need to touch the build settings - that will update automatically.
Find it under something like Target > Frameworks folder
Add the new framework to your Cartfile
Using Carthage to manage your frameworks means that you will have a Cartfile.
This is where you tell Carthage which frameworks you want. It's like a Podfile for Cocoapods.
Your Cartfile will look something like:
github "Alamofire"
binary ""
The above code adds two frameworks - one for Alamofire using github
, and another pretend framework if you are adding via a binary
You will use one OR the other when adding a new framework. You won't use both.
Update the one framework you added
If you want to update only one dependency, then you use the commands below. Be careful - caps matter! You must use the correct capitilisation or carthage won't be predictable in what it does.
- If the framework starts with
in the Cartfile:carthage update Alamofire
- If the framework starts with
:carthage update name-of-framework
Note if you get the error "No entry found for dependency xyz in Cartfile", go and check that you have properly used github
or binary
. You can't mix and match these.
Frameworks that end in .json
should be binary
Add the framework to Xcode
Open Finder
Navigate to your project folder > Carthage > Build > iOS. In here you should see the new framework that you just updated.
Drag the entire folder over into Xcode. The place in Xcode that you want to drag and drop to is in the key target. So head up to your project, then Look for "Targets". Go to the "General" setting, then scroll down til you see "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content". Drag and drop the folder in here. It will add a little briefcase looking item to the list