Azure infrastructure 101
To research
I'll encounter these two the most frequently - research these
Function apps (almost like a webjob)
Quite a mission to port your webjob over to a function app cos we're all set up in app service
But if our webjobs were already running in a function app instead of an App service, it'd be fine
App Service
Research: AZ-900
- John savill's technical training on youtube
Key takeaways
There are official terms, but everyone uses them interchangeably and loosely
I will do the same in my notes until I understand the terms better
I'll use quotation marks for "terms" I'm uncertain if they are the right term to use
it's the entry point to all our "app services" / "servers"
It's responsible for load balancing
We have one gateway concept, but in reality, there could be more working together
App services
We have lots of these
Some handle all the traffic coming to our url (e.g.
)Some handle multiple webjobs
Some handle single, very intensive webjobs, e.g. updating transactions
This requires multiple instances just on its own, because it's doing so much
As every instance is a copy of what the app service contains, it doesn't make sense to have anything else in this service
If we did, then when this service spins up 100 instances to deal with transactions, anything else that was unrelated but part of the app service would also be copied to all 100 instances
This is a waste of resources
Better to have a dedicated app service just for the one intensive webjob
The other less intensive ones can be grouped together
These instances are called (incorrectly) "hosts" at my company
The slack alert "unhealthy hosts increasing" refers to the instances
Azure calls the "instances" servers
This is a front end for the "app service"?
I think you can restart the app service from here.
- Is this the same as restarting all the unhealthy instances? Or does a Kudu re-start do more than this?
The app service has a file system, which you can view in Kudu
Unstructured notes from Dirko
server -
- host
A gateway protects the server / host?
It can send traffic to different servers, depending on load balancer
e.g. round robin, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 1,2, 3, 4, 5
network load balancing - a bit more intelligent, makes sure that the servers have the same load
hashing balancing: looks at the request type, and it sends it to the relevant server
connection encrypted between your browser and what yo are connected to
https: security certificate
you could set it up to decrypt at the gateway, so you can inspect more
- but most people don't do that
Empower lingo
Host could be a piece of hardware
People use host / server interchangeably
App service is a type of app you can have in azure
app -empower-prod-002:
Has 14 "healthy" servers, which is what Rob calls a VM (virtual machine)
It's not QUITE a VM, but conceptually. ISH.
All the instances share file systems
The error in slack is "unhealthy host", Azure calls it "server", but it's actually an Instance
instances copy ALL the "things" , e.g. webjobs, in the app service
- So we put update transactions into its own app service,
Runs all our webjobs
This is another app service
App service hosts the webjob, which is a DLL on my machine
kudu is a GUI for the app service
App is installed on the app service
App service? has a file system
Unstructured notes from Dove
Slots / gateways etc - quick chat with Dove
What is a gateway? Why do we have to “restart” gateways?
What are staging slots? Why do slots keep failing in our CI/CD process?
Two slots
blue / green
When it's active, traffic is redirected to the hose
secondary slot - it can be active but still secondary
deploy into the non-active slot
DLL - when i need them, then I"ll link it
So want to prime the secondary, so that the first request
Host may not be deploying their code correctly
App service is a wrapper around processing capabilities - and those processing capabilities are "hosts"
We run 40 - 60 hosts at our company
Other organisations may have 1000
App services create an abstrtaction for these hosts
We say how many hosts we want
We deploy to the app service, app service propagates into specific hosts
Sometimes the issue can be a bad host
Two app services = API or background jobs
app services
slot swaps
how to allocate hosts
how to query specific host
how does a release get propogated into a host
we are trying to switch hosts from windows to linux